EXPO 2015 August { 13 images } Created 14 Jul 2015
Firmato un protocollo d'intesa fra Inps, Ferrovie dello Stato e Expo 2015 spa che prevede l'ingresso a Expo gratuito per lavoratori a basso reddito e pensionati e sconti del 50% sulle tariffe ferroviarie per raggiungere Expo.
Signed a protocol agreement between INPS, Ferrovie dello Stato (State Railways) and Expo 2015 SpA, that fix, for the month of August, the free entrance to Expo for low-income workers and retirees and 50% discount on train fares to reach Expo.
Signed a protocol agreement between INPS, Ferrovie dello Stato (State Railways) and Expo 2015 SpA, that fix, for the month of August, the free entrance to Expo for low-income workers and retirees and 50% discount on train fares to reach Expo.