EXPO 2015 people { 27 images } Created 6 Jul 2015
All'Expo Milano 2015 puoi incontrare chi si gusta la visita, chi si gode la pausa, chi cerca un padiglione, chi patisce il caldo, chi apprezza il fresco, chi allatta il figlio e reginette impettite, cheerleader e sbandieratrici, militari in servizio, signore patriottiche, volontari al lavoro, sorrisi di dovere e mucche sempre placide.
At Expo Milan 2015 you can meet who enjoy the visit, who enjoy the break, who suffer the heat, who looks for a pavilion, who appreciate the fresh, mother breast-feeding her son and little girl proud to walk with her golden crown, cheerleader and flagwaver, soldiers on duty, smiles of duty, patriotic ladies, volunteers at work, and cows always placid.
At Expo Milan 2015 you can meet who enjoy the visit, who enjoy the break, who suffer the heat, who looks for a pavilion, who appreciate the fresh, mother breast-feeding her son and little girl proud to walk with her golden crown, cheerleader and flagwaver, soldiers on duty, smiles of duty, patriotic ladies, volunteers at work, and cows always placid.